Saturday, July 28, 2018

Free energy for life

The cost of fossil fuel in the Caribbean is steady rising and power outage are becoming   more frequent than ever before security has become a major issue, the crime rate is increase and household should not be with out standby  electricity.this system will cover all aspect of the topic mention above. It will provide the following

  1. It will provide standby power to your home when require 
  2. Its a cost saving measure 
  3. The power generated will not experience voltage fluctuation which may  damage your appliance .
  4. Fee electricity for life after you have pass your pay back period. 

The cost of a solar system can vary  form  $1200 US  to  2000 US dollars  and this can and will include installation.
The cost saving benefit of  a solar  will extend  throughout your  life time.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Benefits of Solar systems in the home

  Benefits of Solar system 

  1. Individuals can save thousands of dollars 
  2. Persons can start saving for day one 
  3. Low payback period 
  4. Increase your home value 
  5. Gov't incentive on solar system 
  6. solar is a secure investment
  7. Guaranteed performance
  8. Save the environment
  9. Create energy Independence 
  10. Solar is easy to install  
To go solar has never being so easy 

When power outage occurs

With renewable energy we can take charge of our destiny and liberate out self from economical slavery and feel a little cooler in the process. When power outage or natural disaster occur you and your family must not study about what time the electricity will return and if  the security system is operational. Just feel confident in the fact that your home has a renewable energy source.  

Be prepared  


Portable Air Conditioner

Hi guys this is a portable air conditioner unit, this unit has several  advantages it portable which means that it can move form room to room in your houses and it  operating voltage are  24 volts DC it come in two sizes form 9000 Btu to 12000 Btu however this unit is more expensive that the others unit in this blog with less physical componets.

Stand alone system for air conditioner system

Here are some images of  major components  of the solar hybrid air conditioner systems.This system operates as the previous mention system but has one difference it work as a off grid system.this means that it operate solely on the power of the batteries and do not have a connection from the a external power system.this system has a standby battery, its operation is as follow. the solar panels is connected to the invert-er /controller and form this devise it charges the batteries and provide power  to the air conditioner system. It is 100% use of renewable energy and you are not dependent on the supply of energy from the Commission.

Invert-er /controller

Two types of solar Air conditioner

There are two types of hybrid solar air conditioner system. one which utilizes both  power sources power form the home and power form the photo-voltaic system the following principles are mention below.

  Operational Principle

On   sunny day, the solar panel can provide the power together with grid power to start the air conditioner running, at it can save above 60%-95% power. And when the air conditioner stop running at sunny day, the solar panel can produce the power to return to electricity grid. In cloudy day or night time, the air conditioner can automatic to switch to AC electricity power.This link will show and explain the operation of a Hybrid solar Air conditioner system

Say goodbye to high electricity bills

Hi guys i am  conducting research into the concept of solar air conditioning system for this blog, i will examining the price of a conventional system and also the benefit of a solar air conditioning the image below shows a house which has a solar air conditioning system.

  1. Save 50% to 100% of electricity bills for life 
  2. It protects the environment 
  3. It utilize a renewable energy source (sun)
  4. In times of a nature disasters it can provide standby power 
  5. It can store potential power for weeks via batteries.   

solar lights fixtures

Here are some  light fixtures for around the home which operates with solar they are stylish and also weather proof and excellent in  provide night light while also save electricity.I have also installed those types of light fixtures in my home, they operate very efficiently and provide the necessary light for the home.The light to the left has a built in motion detector ,  solar panel and use LED light and can be place on walls to provide of your home.

Items in the home which consume the largest amount of electricity

Hi guys with the pending increase in electricity rate from the electricity commission, which will be implemented in a couple of months, the cost of operating  appliances  in  home will increasing the following is a list of ever day appliances in the home which consume a large amount of electricity to operate, they are as follows: 

  1. Electric iron 
  2. Microwave
  3. Electric stove
  4. Air condition 
  5. Curling iron
  6. Refrigerator
  7. Indoor and outdoor lighting
One of the largest consumer of electricity in the home is the electric iron for it size it utilizes 1500 Watts of electricity  compare to a Microwave 1000 Watts and 9000 BTU Air conditioning which will average 900 Watts of power.For my next blog i will introduce a solar air condition unit and lighting fixtures which operate off solar power.There are small things which an average household can implement to reduce the consumption of electricity. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

 Hi guys  today i will show you how to size  the battery for your photovoltaic system. This aspect is one of  the most important part of the solar system design. the link will demonstrate how to obtain the load capacity of the home also the second image to the right is an example for the blog the link will explain the necessary information  requires .


Sizing the major components in a photovoltaics system

Hi Guys  the components below shows the  images of a charge  controller and a invert-er the functions of those device   differ from each other.  while one device regulate the unstable voltage coming from the solar panels the other convert DC to AC.They are consider the heart of a solar system  here is a link that explain the various type of controllers and this link explain the different types of invert-er use in a solar system. my next post would be the sizing the battery bank for the solar system also 

Free energy for life

The cost of fossil fuel in the Caribbean is steady rising and power outage are becoming   more frequent than ever before security has become...