Thursday, May 24, 2018

Photovoltaics system installation and house wiring

In Trinidad and Tobago there are many rural communities which has no electricity or they are so far way from the electrical grid that it is not cost effective for them to be connect and the only alternative is to use standby generators or photovoltaics system (PV). 

Noel's Electrical services specializes in Domestic, Commercial and Industrial installation also the installation of PV systems for the home. This blog will show case some of my resent jobs which was done in Trinidad and highlight the various components of a PV system the following parts are as follows : 

  1. Solar panels 
  2. Electrical wires
  3. Main disconnection breakers 
  4. Electrical inverters 
  5. Combiner box
  6. Charge Controller
  7. Batteries fuses
  8. Lugs 

The image above shows a topical rural house comprising of a kitchen, bath, 3 bed room and a work shop area. This client was approximately 1000 meters form the closest electrical pole.The electrical commission was charging the customer a large sum of money to obtain a electrical connection to the house. The client was able to purchase a generator but that was to loud at night and the unit could not be store in the house due to the noise, a permanent solution was derived the solar system no noise do not require refueling it only need the sun light to fuel this system.

Here in the Caribbean we are bless with this natural resource the solar system is designed with nine solar panels, and each penal came configured to output 24 volts DC at approximately 5 amps per. panel

Free energy for life

The cost of fossil fuel in the Caribbean is steady rising and power outage are becoming   more frequent than ever before security has become...